Synergise PCB Inc

Comparison of Printed Circuit Board Industry in USA and China

Companies in the United States put too much energy, investment and work into delivering best services to their clients all over the world. The productions lines managed by the companies in the United States are among the best in the world. The problem with USA based companies is their marketing policies are they fail in this regard. They are unable to effectively market their products as compared with the China based companies due to which they lose a lot of business and profit to the china based companies.
China has broadcasted the message of cheap and low prices to the world through it cunning marketers and have managed to hide the truth and realities of its market practices due to the political, internet and media censorship. What really goes on in the china market and what kind of practices are followed there are so perfectly hidden from the world  that customers do not realize what they are getting into while making the decision of doing business with the china manufacturers and suppliers until they get the firsthand experience. A little comparison of doing business in China or United States is given as below:

Business in the United States                                                     

  1. Production is much cheaper in the United States as compared to any other part of the world.
  2. Shipping costs are less when purchasing in the United States than any other part of the world.
  3. Best Quality products are manufacture red in the United States as compared to any other part of the world.
  4. High Ethical Standards are followed in the United States as compared to any other part of the world.
  5. Communication is easier and more effective when doing business in the United States as compared to doing business in China.

Business in China
Production of good quality products is much expensive in China as their machines and industry is not so advanced.
Shipping cost is much higher as china is on the other part of the world.
The quality of products is disappointing as compared to when they are produced in the United States.
Poor Ethical standards are followed and the workers are usually exploited.

Communication is difficult with the non-j English speaking people.