Synergise PCB Inc

FR-2 Substrate Material Properties and Applications in Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing

FR-2 Is one of the most commonly used materials in the manufacturing of printed circuit board products as it is used as a substrate material. The FR-2 is also known as phenolic paper or phenolic cotton paper and it has properties, which make it appropriate to be used as a substrate in PCB products and create high-performance PCBAs. The paper is usually impregnated with Phenol formaldehyde resin, which enhances the properties and applications of the material. There are a number of different applications in which phenolic cotton paper is used as a substrate such as consumer electronics.

Similarly, the use of phenolic paper is highly common in the manufacturing of single-sided boards, which perform much better, when FR-2 is used as compared to other subject materials. The properties of FR-2 are interior as compared to FR-4 material but the cost-effectiveness and secondary properties of the material are significant for its widespread use. The material also has a high melting temperature as it can sustain the high temperature of 105 degree Celsius, which makes it appropriate for uses in high-grade applications.

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