Synergise PCB Inc

FR-4 Material Properties and Advantages in the Manufacturing of Printed Circuit Board Products

FR-4 is one of the most important materials, which are used in the manufacturing of Printed Circuit Board products and due to the superiority of the properties of this material as compared to FR-2; it is also used in high-grade applications. FR-4 is a woman fiberglass material, which is usually provided with epoxy resin in order to enhance properties of the material and make it much more suitable for its uses in printed circuit board products. The properties of the material are suitable for high-grade applications, as it has low water absorption and high insulation properties, which are ideal for application as a substrate material for Printed circuit boards.

Similarly, arc resistance of the material is much higher as compared to its competitors, which makes it suitable for operation in the printed circuit board environment and high voltage applications. Similarly, there are a number of different grades of material available in the market due to which different grades can be used in different materials. Similarly, it has a high melting temperature. The melting temperature of the material is usually rated as 130 degrees.

Synergise PCB makes effective use of the substrate material in the manufacturing of printed circuit board products. Please contact us contact form for contact number available at our website.