There are a number of different techniques of carrying out small volume copper patterning and achieve good quality results in a cost-effective manner. These techniques are usually applied in small industries or at research level where high volume patterning is not required.

Small Volume Copper Patterning in PCB

Similarly, the techniques that are applicable in small copper volume patterning are not applied on a larger level because they will not be able to provide similar quality of results under the circumstances. The different techniques that are used at this level are described in this article as below:

  1. Transparent film printing: The first technique that is most commonly used at a small level is printing on a transparent film for the purpose of creating a photomask with the help of photos-sensitized boards and carrying out etching afterwards in order to create copper patterning.
  2. Laser resist ablation: The second technique that is common in the industry is the use of laser for creating copper patterning on printed circuit boards and creating highly precise and quality patterns.
  3. PCB milling: The technique is commonly employed in the industry for creating small volume copper patterning in which a PCB milling machine might be used for achieving the standard of results that are necessary for real-world applications.
  4. Laser etching: It is the fourth technique that employs laser technology for creating copper patterns on printed circuit boards and achieving highly precise results.

SynergisePCB is one of the leading manufacturers of printed circuit board products in the world and we employ highly advanced techniques in our manufacturing process. We have a team of highly qualified engineers who are capable of providing highly customised services to customers and increasing their convenience. Therefore, in case you require our services and please contact us through our contact number or place an order through our website.


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